Vaccine Protocol

Recommended Vaccines for Dogs and Cats

At Riverside Animal Hospital in Bend, OR, we believe that preventative medicine is key to the health and safety of your pet.

A well rounded and thought out deworming and vaccine protocol is the first step to achieving that.

Recommended Vaccines for Dogs:

  • DAPP (Distemper, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus) is recommended in a series.  We are currently using the Zoetis Vanguard product that causes a rapid onset of immunity. We recommend vaccinating at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age as a puppy. As an adult, your pet will be vaccinated at 1 year of age and then every 3 years after that. Alternatively, titers can be done to check immunity of your pet prior to vaccinating.
  • Bordetella vaccine (kennel cough) is recommended for all dogs that are going to have a high level of direct contact with other dogs. This includes dogs that are in daycare, are kenneled and frequent parks and groomers. We carry the intranasal, oral and injectable forms of the vaccine. Puppies should receive one vaccine before they are 16 weeks of age and receive boosters every 12 months thereafter. Some kennels do require this vaccine every 6 months and we can provide boosters for your pet if they have an up to date physical exam.
  • Rattlesnake vaccines are recommended for any dogs that are traveling east of Bend, including Brasada Ranch area and Smith Rock State Park. There are 2 vaccines in the initial series given 3 weeks apart, followed by a yearly booster. Dogs who are vaccinated and bitten by a rattlesnake tend to have a more mild reaction to the venom than an unvaccinated pet.
  • Leptospirosis is an infectious disease affecting the kidneys and liver of dogs. It is contracted in wet, swampy areas and therefore we recommend this vaccine to all hunting dogs and dogs that travel to the coast, valley or California. The state veterinarian recommends that all dogs living in Oregon be vaccinated for Leptospirosis due to the potential that dogs can transmit this disease to humans.  There was one confirmed case of Leptospirosis in Central Oregon in 2016. This vaccine requires 2 initial doses, then yearly boosters.  If it has been over 18 months since your pet’s last Leptospirosis vaccine, repeating the initial series is recommended to ensure best immunity.
  • Rabies vaccine it required by Oregon law. We vaccinate for rabies at 4 months of age followed by a booster in one year. Subsequent boosters are given at 3 year intervals.
  • Canine Influenza Vaccine is now recommended for any dogs that frequent parks, go to daycare, or are kenneled. It is a highly contagious virus that is transmitted through aerosolized viral particles (during coughing or sneezing) or direct contact with infected saliva and mucous. There are 2 vaccines given 3 weeks apart in the initial series. Boosters are given annually.  If it has been over 18 months since your pet’s last Influenza vaccine, repeating the initial series is recommended to ensure best immunity.


Recommended Vaccines for Cats:

Riverside Animal Hospital tailors each individual vaccination protocol to the pet.  Below are our general guidelines.  Your veterinarian will discuss what is best for your pet and make decisions with you to ensure your pet is protected from infectious diseases.

  • All cats are initially screened for FeLV and FIV
  • FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia) is given in a series 2 to 4 weeks apart until they are 16 weeks old. They will receive a booster 1 year later then every 3 years thereafter.
  • Feline leukemia vaccine is recommended for all kittens and is given at 12 and 16 weeks of age.  We recommend that outdoor cats receive a Feline Leukemia vaccine every 3 years until they are over 8 years of age.
  • Rabies it strongly recommended for all cats. Bats do carry the Rabies virus in central Oregon so even indoor cats should be considered for the vaccine.